Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport Master Plan Update
The Master Plan for Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport provides a development and expansion framework for a 20-year planning period. The purpose of an airport master plan is to provide the structure needed to guide future airport development that will cost-effectively satisfy aviation demand, and consider potential environmental and socio-economic impacts.
January 31, 2024
Community Engagement Meeting to update attendees on the Master Planning Process
August 21, 2024
Community Engagement Meeting to present the final draft of the Master Plan to the community
Community awareness, participation and input are integral to achieve success, beginning early in the planning process and continuing throughout all phases of the Master Plan Update.

On this website, you can:
Learn about the Airport Master Plan Process
Keep up-to-date on the RKS Master Plan Update
Find out about opportunities to become involved
Read and download Airport Master Plan documents
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Project Background
The Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport (RKS) is preparing a Master Plan Update, which will serve as the Airport’s 20-year blueprint for the layout, improvement, and expansion of its physical facilities. The current Master Plan was completed in 2015, and a terminal area plan was completed in 2018. Since the terminal area has been a focus of a recent planning effort, this Master Plan Update will be heavily focused on identifying improvements needed related to pavement maintenance, utilities and infrastructure, and future development in the general aviation (GA) area. The Master Plan Update is essential for project planning purposes and for securing project funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) Aeronautics Division. The Airport must have a current Airport Layout Plan (an output of a Master Plan) to be eligible for project funding from the FAA. The FAA provides 90% of the funding for the planning process.
Project Purpose
The purpose of this Study is to identify and recommend future improvements at RKS that enhance operational safety, align with the Airport’s economic development goals, and follow federal, state, and local regulatory guidelines. The planning process involves preparing an inventory of existing airport conditions, identifying future facility needs, outlining possible alternatives to meet those needs, and developing a conceptual development plan. This Study will also incorporate feedback from various stakeholders, including area residents, airport users, tenants, the master plan study committee, RKS project team, Airport Staff, WYDOT, and the FAA. It is expected that the Final Master Plan will be presented to the Sweetwater County Airport Joint Powers Board for adoption in the summer of 2024.